Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Professional Rabbit Cages

✰ Roger Willemsen - The ends of the world

Roger Willemsen's world-image covers all five continents - and I'm trying to process it in my head. If I would lie down a world map by me, in every place a needle stick, and then connect all with a red string would - I would have them before me, the ends of the world? Or just a red spider's web of wool threads? Is it enough to look at the ends or is not more important, what is in the middle?

at the ends of the world - its ends - Roger Willemsen meet people - it is talking with them, eat and drink with them, staying with them - he laughs and cries with them. His empathic care, are almost tender look auf seine Mitmenschen machen diese Begegnungen aus; zu etwas Besonderem – und in allen Begegnungen steckt eine kindliche Naivität, eine Furchtlosigkeit und unendliche Neugierde.

Alle Begegnungen hier zu reflektieren, wäre unmöglich – vermessen – und auch nicht notwendig. Deshalb hier meine zwei liebsten.

Mandalay. Das Meer sehen. Ein Ehepaar reist von der chinesisch-burmesischen Grenze ans Meer – noch nie haben sie das Meer gesehen. Kurz vorher werden sie gestoppt und wieder nach Hause geschickt. Zurück an die Grenze, zurück in den Krieg – ohne das Meer gesehen zu haben. Aber das Meer kann man niemandem beschreiben – es lebt from their own experiences; the smells, which can even sniffs the noise in his ears - and that leaves me a little sad - is that it deprives both the experience.

Gorée. Door of no return. A small island off the Senegalese coast. Severe island - hard to history, heavy on ballast. From here were sent slaves for centuries in the "new world". No return. No encounter with a person - a meeting with many people, with all the people who have written the history of this island. Depressing how many there are and how heavily you weight on me.

When I come back now to my picture with the needles and the threads, then stands in the middle of Roger Willemsen as narrator - as a brilliant storyteller - with a curious, affectionate glance at his fellow man - with a precise, yet image-rich language . Each set reveals a world of its own - and fortunately never reached the ends.

Hardcover: 541 pages, published by Fischer (S.) , September 2010.
ISBN: 978-3100921048


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