Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Black Kimono Robe Titanic

✰ no book - The twenty-third day

KeinBuch ist modisch und modern - und durchaus auch als Kleidungsstück zu tragen - man muss sich nur für eins entscheiden können...

Als schicken Kragen....oder doch lieber als flotten Hut? Steht eigentlich jedem...

Kennt ihr das noch - Münzen durchpausen?

Ah yes, the good old D-Mark .... that we are at Christmas but also always be nostalgic ...

Finally, a Christmas image circle: see

We - exactly - a burning Christmas tree ... Advent, Advent - a light is burning ....

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Cat Had White Worm Come Out Of Butt

Claire's 3 in 1 nail polish 27/10 - the three colors of purple ...

As I recently for the first time in a Claire's business was in Frankfurt, I was unfortunately not the color-changing paints on the temperature, I was looking for (are forbidden as well in Europe, because of certain ingredients - at least I've read). But there other interesting materials were found, which of course I had to buy the same. One of them was the 27 / 10 3 in 1 coat. This principle of three stacked color options I was not previously known, and I must admit that I still do not really understand the exact meaning behind it, but ... :) Here are the pictures.

click to enlarge the photos.
A very dark, a middle and a bright purple one above the other in a bottle. They serve a mixture of themselves do not and remain relatively stable over each other (see picture of the bottle lying down) but it is explicitly not recommended on the bottle like to shake the paint.

I can not find a name on the bottle, but I think the official term is 27/10.

Priced he is at 4.95 €, the number of milliliters is how all the text on the back, unfortunately, no longer legible, but once I type very roughly to 10ml.

The first use I was hoping that result from the 3 colors on the nail lines and different colored areas. As you can see, this is not the case. The meaning of these 3 in 1 combination is probably the fact that one result depending on the level of the individual layers of paint and varnish, various shades of purple, and can be reached at each order a different color. If a different intention behind this coat, it has not opened up to me ...

Wear From images I: 1x OPI base coat, 2 layers of Claire's 3 in 1 27/10 and OPI topcoat. .

Conclusion: The idea is means something different (and I love "something else" special reserved and new things), the exact purpose remains for me - apart from the above assumption - hidden. The paint covers well, but the paint is thick, really thick, I had added after 2 coats have a real layer on the nail and then formed here and there a Bläßchen. Moreover, such thick coats of paint always need forever to dry. Yesssss, I know, of course, must be the thick paint, or would be so immediately mix the color layers, I got that. Nevertheless, the application was not as pleasant and not without its problems. First I am immediately ran to my box already had the thinner pure tilt in my hand and wished him straight to the consistency a little better, as much me that if you should do it somewhere NOT be happy here, LOL. On the other hand, the color that I've achieved here, really quite unique in my collection. In the photo it comes out not good, but Lila is on the nails in really a much bluer look. I have all the nail polish from my collection sorted by color on paper geswatcht (I know, not ideal, but I still can not nail wheels), and while I possess in all other purple tones brightness levels that do not.

Mich würden andere Erfahrungen mit 3 in 1 Lacken interessieren.

Viele Grüße!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Why Is Water Black From Fire Sprinkler Systems

✰ Arno Strobel - The Nature

Cologne main station - I get on the train, search my seat, stuttering my way around the seat and get the book from the backpack - The ESSENCE.
". I'm not it have been"
Even 15 years after the murder of the young Julie asserts psychiatrist Dr. Joachim Lichner his innocence - even though he was found guilty by the court and was imprisoned for more than 13 years behind bars. Now again a child is missing - his daughter - but Dr. said Lichner stiff and strong, to have no daughter.

Rediscover High Commissioner Menkhoff Bernd Seifert and his colleague. Menkhoff as 15 years ago has only one goal - to arrest and bring back Lichner behind bars. Both have become more mature and experienced - and still are growing with them doubt whether the Lichner was guilty then - if he now guilty.

cities - Fields - Forests rattle past me - I read. Page after page. I'm caught in a tense psychological duel. On one side of the ambitious Menkhoff, on the other, the psychiatrist - the middle and me. When then is still Lichner former lover into the game I am totally confused. If he has it, who really has? Has anyone ever? And why Menkhoff is so eager to see Lichner the culprit?

But more importantly - Whose side am I to beat me? Should I Menkhoff ego trip support in the hunt for a brutal child murderer? Or should I keep Lichner who may be innocent acidified in prison, which has placed a trap anyone, who wants to see again behind bars?

Short chapters, quick tongue and the constant commuting 1994-2009 keep me up to speed - slow reading is impossible - if the train is faster or am I?

pacing my sympathy - my suspicions, my goal is getting closer, just like the solving of the case - and when I closed the book shortly before Hanover, out of breath, I know. I know it?

Paperback: 368 pages, published by Fischer (TB) , November 2010.
ISBN: 978-3596186327

Can I Keep My Dog Next To Subwoofer

✰ Dudu's recommendation for the winter

So, friends - now I'm even think about it - now I tell you something important - not the only way Buchquälaktionen.
I recommend in the winter:

first Warm clothes!

2. Einen schönen heißen Tee trinken!

3. ... Dudu - die Bücher! Hier geht es um Bücher! Würdet du dich bitte an unsere Absprache halten!

Die Bücher, die Bücher *grummelschnatter* Ich gebe hier lebensnotwendige Ratschläge um auch ohne Federn gut durch den Winter zu kommen, und du kommst mit Büchern! *quäkschnäbelmotz* Na gut, dann muss ich aber nochmal ganz von vorne anfangen....

Also, es fing an am Freitag Abend - da wurden six non-beak chickens confined in a bookstore - I was there, too - but my aunt says here, no one would notice me - so great - as you clean the feathers are extra for the ladies and then this ... I digress ... actually, I've also heard me chatter not so, I was just curious on the yield of the same to me ... I've looked at times.

Well - what I generally recommend the winter you have experienced already - so my literary recommendations.

first The Tuesday women Monika Peetz and The Wednesday Letters by Jason F. Wright - which should I you together , Because the show was to be for the heart - and where are Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday? - Okay ... so yes - two books that should go to the heart ... the heart ... if goes to the heart, I recommend ... DUDU !!!!! ... it was just a joke ... so really ...

second read time ... hmmm ... that's what exciting - - Mathilda Savitch by Victor Lodato's about the three-year-old Mathilda, who wants to find out the truth about the death of her sister - so hopefully that's not too exciting for me .. . ne should be funny ... so watch for the winter - power to snuggle up and Funny to laugh in the murky weather.

third After the summer by Maggie Stiefvater - from their titles already very fitting, because winter is so after the summer. Oh, here comes to Wolves - and to Grace - what? Wolf loves the NEN? Oh, it's fantasy because ... well ... sounds very romantic ... I have to cry when determined - and I einmummeln Dolle.

4th The map of time by Felix J. Palma - Be honest, but soon as a comic book - how to have the time for a map? Wow, that looks even time again - the beak loose aunt ... Click here to time travel - and to love - to Andrew, who lost the love of his life - oh, and also exciting to go ... is quite a ham ... I can not stand alone. Hey, Auntie, help me out!

Of course, all images created in our humble home ... So, what I read you first?
And I have not done that great? Did not I? Praise me but once one !!!!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Rabbit Cages Winnipeg

Review: My Private Jet (new version) - Holo-Glitter favorite polish!

My Privat Jet von OPI war mein erster holoartiger Nagellack überhaupt. Obwohl ich "nur" die neue Version besitze, die im Gegensatz zum Original My Privat Jet etwas heller ist (eher dunkelbraun, nicht wirklich schwarz) und wesentlich weniger Holopartikel besitzt, bin ich damit sehr glücklich. Natürlich würde für mich ein Traum in Erfüllung gehen, wenn ich (zu einem halbwegs zivilen Preis) die alte Version in die Finger kriegen würde (*seufz)... Dennoch: Die neue Version gehört zu meinen absoluten Lack favorites. It is indeed effective, but yet so unobtrusive that you can keep it in every situation, even if you will not even have super flashy Mani.

It sounds like a stupid, but whenever I feel like I need something that makes me cheer (with stress, exams, or something difficult when the job is pending), I use my private jet and I feel equal better. I can then watch the whole day over again on my nails, and enjoy myself at Hologlitter: D Actually, everyone should have a lift-nail polish.

So now to the pictures. Here, My Private Jet in the new Version, a link to images of original paint passes below.

click to enlarge the photos.
In direct sunlight you can see the brownish color of the otherwise black-acting OPI lacquer clear.

Please enlarge and see the typical U-shape of the Holoteilchen. Does not this look great? Aaah, I love this coat ...

The normal view without direct sun, it acts on the nails black.

Bitte Vergrößern und die Glitterpartikel auf dem Mittelfinger betrachten. Die Kombination aus Dunkelbraun und den dezent in allen Farben funkelnden Teilchen erinnert mich immer wieder an einen nächtlichen Sternenhimmel.

Normales Tageslicht, keine Sonne. Durch die Unschärfe läßt sich der Holoeffekt besser erkennen.

Auf allen Bildern trage ich: OPI Basecoat, 2 Schichten OPI My Privat Jet (neue Version), OPI Topcoat.

Wer die alte Version von My Privat Jet sehen möchte, can do so here: http://nailgal.com/displayimage.php?album=43&pos=12

Conclusion: One of my absolute favorite. Super easy to apply, good durability, good effect nail polish, which is yet so unobtrusive that he was (in my opinion) can always wear. I love him!

My Private Jet is available (new version) result in many branches of the Douglas OPI, but (like all OPI varnishes Douglas) at a price of 16 €. Cheaper get him through e-Bay or online stores, I think about Amazon get him (but am not sure). The Amazon store by Cosmetic Solutions offers some of OPI lacquers (about 8 €), a few China Glaze CND and others have effects on Amazon Cosmetic Solutions I already ordered and was very satisfied.

I'd be interested if other girls have also encouragement nail varnish or other Aufmunterungsprodukte. Using appropriate comments, I would be happy:)


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Is It Too Late To Use Abreva?

✰ not a book - The twenty-second days

Since no book had a few days break - I had to travel urgently - it is now happily ever after - into the home stretch - there are not many jobs left over - and it should disappear a few - I have not, for example math books more, could stick the I - and the grass I can also not be - we fall, it is much too cold .
but more remains plenty to do - after I've thoroughly now busy with the interior, is now the cover of it. Be honest - this might already be a little embellished.

only a little.

look away now your back - all with a sensitive soul should not do this.

bet lost - I can hammer a nail with a book in the wall - but habs I tried real!

This is just a short excerpt from talks nonsense - if you can not read: *
Achmed is 9!
* Buy yourself but a cow skin!
* What's this about? * The
S. ..... i have bladder problems!
* Be like bamboo!
* The doll could be your mother.
* Now you will find her!

As I said - just a sample - you do not believe so, what I've heard - especially on the last weekend ;-)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Stomach Virus At Night

✰ Christoph Scholder - Oktoberfest

Christoph Scholder novel begins a bit confusing for me - an old man is murdered, details are not known - the plot also between different times and places commutes - Prizren in Kosovo 2003 , Afghanistan 1984, Bremerhaven, 2004, Grozny in Chechnya 1994th Then we come to Munich.

2003rd The logistics contractor Karl Romberg Werner Vogel and his partner plan with cooling loads into Oktoberfest business to get in - so they go up a high financial risk, but it's worth it. For Oktoberfest 2004, they made a name and are thick in the business. So far - so good. For me, the story lines come up to this time together yet - and a thriller that has not much. Yes, I'm bored even - the scenes are almost stereotypical, the dialogue flat and wooden - and I really think about whether I should put the book aside.

But then the evil in the form of Oleg Blokhin and his elite soldiers from Russia into the game. They take all the marquee visitors hostage and are threatening a gas attack, should their demands are not heard. The only one who can help now - Wolfgang hardener - Sea captain, secret agent, and actually an unknown entity. In his hands now seventy thousand people are living.

now - right now is a mediocre novel is a gripping thriller. The story jumps between Wolf and Oleg Blokhin hardener - and a few secondary sites - up and down - Cliff Hanger me to read on and on. Why does Oleg Blokhin as many hostages, which he wants to achieve with it - and will be able to rescue the seventy thousands of innocents? Also gradually all comes together - the various strands form an image - but always nice and slow - one piece at a another is added - Christoph Scholder has my full attention. The style changes radically - no more flat dialogue - short and concise conversations - Tell a rapid pace beforehand where slowness prevailed - and again I imagine how I must install the newly found part so that it results in a meaningful whole.

He made me fidget long, this Christian Scholder, strained my patience almost to bursting - but then he had me - fast and furious. Oktoberfest I go again next year still does not - too many (liquor) corpses.

Hardcover: 603 pages, published by Droemer / Knaur , August 2010.
ISBN: 978-3426198889

3030 Marlin Lever Action

✰ not a book - The twenty-first day

responses to two comments: first
No, it never stops!
second In terms of my own limbs that went well, but no book has been hit but what - occupational hazard.

now .... but to today's torture um ... I meant ;-) tasks

Pierced no book - Ouch!

And now I try to play tennis. You will quickly find that my efforts are more than pathetic - I only: no hand-eye coordination!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Ibanez Srtn Preamp Forum

✰ Caterina Bonvicini - The balance of the sharks

" She looked at me as I lay crying on her bed," What are you, Mama "? And I, "Nothing, it's over right now. I lost my balance, "Since she has approached me on her toes.: "Mama? Tell me, how does a balance? I'll paint one, then you have a new one. "I am, I broke out laughing, they have embraced with tears and kisses off her face. "It is a fish," I said to her, "a fish that swims through the water straight ahead."

out of balance. Sofia, Turin gifted photographer tipped in a difficult relationship to the next. After her marriage to Nicola depressive it expires two men who are just as self-centered and unstable, as her ex-husband. She finds herself in a balancing act between Marcello and Arturo - and is himself deeper and deeper into into these relationships. It is going down - and her father, the only one they could get back to the surface, traveling the seven seas and swim with sharks. When she discovered a pile of letters from her mother and begins to read this, you will be swept away any ground under their feet.

in free fall. Sofia's pain is felt on every page, and he is getting more intense the deeper they fall. Caterina Bonvicini highlights - reinforced that feeling with their language - in every sentence is melancholy - but not so much that it overwhelmed me. A sensitive approach to the subject depression, with the protagonist, with love of life itself.

Perfect balance. Stylistically very different, the reports of the father. Full of love, he tells of his encounters with sharks - so the breath away with reading, these passages are so beautiful - I would almost get themselves into the water to sharks. Nando makes this alleged monster human - while in Sofia the people into monsters. Marcello and Arturo are like two sharks that tear at Sofia as on a piece of dead fish, all they want for themselves and yet they do not realize that they make them broken. And her father is the only one who does not realize that this fight only serves to his attention, his love fully to win for themselves.

divided - torn apart - the form of the novel - there and jump between Sofia shaken, and the balance of the father - is reflected to me Sofia's own inner turmoil again - her commute between two men - between being strong for Arturo and Marcello and his own deep-rooted weakness. But it also expresses life itself - it is so beautiful and yet can be so cruel.

"Here one finds his balance, and then it is indeed just a maze."

Hardcover: 283 pages, published by Fischer (S.) , August 2010. From the Italian by Catherine Schmidt, original title: L'equilibrio degli Squali .
ISBN: 978-3100035141

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Furrari Dog Crate Replacement Parts

✰ not a book - The twentieth days

I once again handicrafts - with no book. Has made a lot of fun ... I probably have more than a book. Since

was torn paper ....

... with blue things stuck a picture ...

... a one-eyed cat! and last but not least was painted a little ....

... with red wine - the rest I've had drunk.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Scorpio Who Is Interested In A Woman

✰ new rating system

I've made a few thoughts as I could make my blog even a little more attractive - and I noticed that I do not have a rating system for my reviews. Since I had the same craft something.

= very, very bad - I am tormented by
= bad to not very good - I had to torture me, but there were positive aspects

= oh well to moderately well - it was quite nice, but not from me Stool carved

= good to very good - unfortunately missing the last bit into a special directory
= simply top notch - I was smitten from the beginning to end, potential favorite book, reading absolute highlight

In the next Days / weeks I will provide all reviews with the rating system - be patient, it may take a little bit - but all new reviews get it automatically.