Monday, November 1, 2010

Give Baby Water For Reflux

✰ Eli Gottlieb - What no one saw

„Kann Schmerz die Form eines Lebens verändern?“

Rob Castor ist tot. Erst hat er seine Freundin erschossen und sich anschließend selbst umgebracht. Das Ende ist der Anfang – so beginnt Nicks Erzählung, sein Requiem auf seinen Kindheitsfreund, der mehr als das für ihn war. Es ist ein Requiem auf einen Mörder – auf einen Bruder – auf eine große Liebe.

„Ein Tötungsakt hat es an sich, dass er den Spiegel des menschlichen Teiches kräuselt.“

Für Nick sind es meterhohe Wellen. Die ihn übermannen und ihn aus seinem bisherigen Leben reißen. Robs Tod löst eine ganze Lawine von Fragen in ihm aus – er hinterfragt sein ganzes past life buried, is frozen and the memory of his childhood - his friendship with Rob Castor. His wife Lucy desperately - and responds with understanding to the grief of her husband. Is the marriage still valid or drives them apart a dead man?

"The heart has its own roadmap."

Nick takes refuge in the memory of his friend, he indulges in glorification - Rob was for him a magnet, a sun, his ultimate center of life. Finally, he meets up with Belinda, Rob's sister, and begins an affair with her. Through them he is Rob again very close.

I can only guess what had a meaning for Rob Castor for Nick's life - but I pinched it from the air, when I look at his mourning. Thus, even giving up, so perfect, all-other-exclusive. What will it do now?

Eli Gottlieb gives his protagonist Nick speak in clear sentences. In very precise sentences. Without emotion. And that makes this novel from the emotional - the nakedness of the narratives, their immediacy. It is the precise retelling of a murder - as precise as I still do not have read - a life that finds its climax in this.

I rummage through two different lives - and I feel almost like a voyeur. Nevertheless, I will not get rid of the question - Is all that I dig up the truth? Or should Nicks cut rates, the events which he presented to me, let me just believe?

Hardcover: 287 pages, published by Droemer / Knaur , August 2010. Translated from English by Rainer Schmidt, AKA: Now You See Him .
ISBN: 978-3426198896


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