Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Brazilian Wax Starting Age

OPI - Katy Perry Collection bei Douglas + Haul, OPI - Teenage Dream + Swatches und billige Alternative!

Full of joy, I discovered a few days ago in I often frequented the small Douglas OPI lacquers of Katy Perry LE. I was surprised, was my last thing from a Douglas employee, that it is only in exceptional circumstances to Christmas, the burlesque Edition coatings would have been because they sparkled so beautiful, but what had been only a one-time action. Apparently, OPI aims but now closer to the German market (at prices of 16-17 € per Horror paint), because today I can see in the Kaufhof at Frankfurt Zeil a pretty big shelf of OPI colors and varnishes care (at the bit outdated state - the latest news is there is the Swiss LE, but with relatively large selection from the standard range).

Here, an overview of the Katy Perry Collection paints:

Photo: OPI
From left to right: Teenage Dream (light pink with Hologlitter), Not Like The Movies (green-purple-gray iridescent multi-Chrome), last Friday night (light blue with blue and silver glitter), The One That Got Away (berry red with micro glitter), Black Shatter (Black Crackle paint).

How to Burlesque LE there is also a Miniset of the Katy Perry Collection (also in Douglas available for about 12.90 euros), this includes the four lakes - with the exception of the Black Shatter - in mini size.

Please click on the pictures to enlarge them!
From left to right: Teenage Dream, Last Friday Night, Not Like The Movies (15 ml each at a price of 16.50 € for Douglas). / Sorry for the bad lighting, had to resort to artificial light.

When I saw the first pictures of the collection, I was naturally very excited about the two Glitter materials, but especially on the multi-Chrome "Not Like The Movies". 15 years ago I bought a Manhattan "Chameleon / Quick Dry" with number 319, which also changes between purple, gray and green color, and fell totally in love with this look (I have him Traderjob still and I will soon be time show in a retro-post). Therefore, I am totally happy, here is a, not exactly the same, but they have found even better, alternative:)

the "Black Shatter" Crackle finish from OPI I've saved me, as the slightly red-foil effect "The One That Got Away". Could I buy the paints here to American prices, I would have taken me, but as I've had black crackle paint by Isadora and P2, and even reddish film-like coatings (though not in exactly this shade of red) own, I look at the two Book here.

The three coatings on the Nagelrad, two layers without topcoat.

Links: Last Friday Night . As you can see, the jelly-like base color of the paint is very transparent. After a coat, only a minimal hint of blue is seen, but even after two coats, the opacity (except the glitter) very bad. This is a pity, the paint in the bottle makes it a much stronger impression of color. I have not tried it yet, but I'm pretty sure that the places that are not hidden by the glitter, even after 4 layers were still transparent. On the other hand, 4 layers are not really recommended, as the paint by the glitter can be applied in any case not super thin. Great he is in any event by layers of dark blue or Schwarz (oder sonstigen Farben:)), super sieht aber auch ein schwarzer Crackle-Lack obendrüber aus (habe jetzt leider kein Foto gemacht, werde dies noch nachholen).

Mitte: Teenage Dream . Von diesem Lack bin ich begeistert! Obwohl er auch eine Geleebasis hat, deckt er wesentlich besser als Last Friday Night. Zwei Schichten sind ausreichend für komplette Deckkraft. Zu dem mittelgroßen Hologlitter enthält er kleine silberne und winzige rosafarbene Partikelchen, im Licht ist es ein einziges Feuerwerk auf den Nägeln, für das ich gestern einige Komplimente erhalten habe.

Rechts: Not Like The Movies . I love him! As already mentioned, there is an improved version of my 15 years ago bought Manhattan paint! The color can be defined little, it changes depending on the angle and lighting constantly between gray, purple and green. Additionally (and therefore an "improved version") it contains silver micro-Glitterstückchen that give a little extra sparkle, but are relatively subtle. This paint has a metallic look at beautiful art and I have to constantly look at how the color looks again:) With three coats you get a comprehensive result. / / / Even though I really love him, I'm sure the "Not Like The Movies" polarized: There are probably few who find him "well", either you love it or you hate him. The color combination and overall impression are just really special, if you can get used to but will be rewarded with an exceptional paint, one can always surprise and offers interesting possibilities layer (eg black or taupe) offers.

Swatches: Teenage Dream and cheap alternative of Basic Concept

come here some carrying pictures of the "Teenage Dream" Lack of the Katy Perry Collection by OPI, and a cost Alternative by Basic Concept (available from Woolworths), which is not a dupe, but the overall impression quite similar.

click to enlarge the images.
carry on all photos I: Maybelline Salon Care Repair Fluid (as base coat), 2 coats OPI - Teenage Dream and Essie - Good To Go Top Coat. / All the photos in artificial light without a flash.

The paint can - for the amount of contained Glitters -. Pretty good handle and apply and dries relatively quickly from the life he makes her a good date Impression after a day were no flaking or Tipwear seen.

A day after the purchase of "Teenage Dream" I went through the Woolworth and the discovered a "Teenage Dream" very Änliche acting Lack of Basic Concept (No. 11 - "Dust Galaxy" , 11ml for 1.49 €). Of course, I had it for this super low price compare and take.
A Dupe is on the first glance, since the Dust Galaxy is a whole lot darker than the Teenage Dream, but both are jelly-like and contain medium Hologlitterteilchen.

Links: Basic Concept # 11 - Dust Galaxy. / Right: OPI - Teenage Dream.
Unlike the OPI is missing from the Basic Concept of the mass of very tiny silver and pink tiny particles in the jelly base. after two layers can be seen between the weak Glitter nail - why is the Basic Concept not as opaque as the OPI.

The medium sized holographic glitter paint is both a delight - both in art and in light of the sun a little fireworks on the nails! The Basic Concept can not handle quite as easily as the OPI, but not heavier than other glitter paints. From the drying time, he is average, the OPI is faster.

Swatch comparison to the Nagelrad: Both paint with two coats and no topcoat. Links: Dust Galaxy / Right: Teenage Dream.

forefinger Basic Concept No. 11 - Dust Galaxy,
middle finger and ring finger: OPI - Teenage Dream.

Conclusion: Galaxy Dust by Basic Concept of course, no dupe of Teenage Dream, the base color is darker and there is no silver and light pink micro-base glitter, making it more transparent than the OPI. Yet he is by his relatives to the overall effect OPI: It is pink, in the light of a sparkling rainbow magic on the nail and stir a lot. Viewed from the processing and drying time, he can not keep up with Teenage Dream, especially negative, it is not, however, and also can live without that for that price. The durability of Galaxy Dust I could test it yet.

anyone who gets a Teenage Dream-like effect on your mind wants is not defined and the pink shading and no problem has to paint a layer of more that receives very little money (1.49 €) a good coat of a real eye-catcher.

Your comments and opinions for Katy Perry Collection, I would be happy:) Next, a comparison of my Hololacke follows the Nagelrad and swatches of "Not Like The Movies".



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