Monday, February 28, 2011

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ECJ - Men have the right to "nursing vacation"

Biologically somewhat beside the point, but certainly in terms of modern gender equality, the ECJ has also granted fathers the right to "nursing vacation". In Germany, there are the rules in BEEG - law regulating parental benefits and parental leave. § 1 BEEG looks - in keeping with the legal opinion of the Court also states that regardless of gender and employment, fathers and mothers be entitled to parental leave.
Anders is the previously regulated in Spain, where an employee's father after the law was only "nursing vacation", though his wife was working with an employer. Was she an entrepreneur or a freelancer, was dependent on the working man blocked the road to "Still Time" - for whatever reason.

The ECJ has the scheme in its Judgement of 30 September 2010, Case No.: C-104/09 called a "gender-discriminatory", stating that:
"mothers engaged in paid employment, have always entitled to the so-called" Quiet vacation, "while fathers engaged in paid employment, this claim only have when the mother of her child is also engaged in such work. The property extends as a parent, so for male workers not to take such leave can, but for female workers. Men and women, the father or mother of young children sind, befinden sich im Hinblick auf die für sie möglicherweise bestehende Notwendigkeit, ihre tägliche Arbeitszeit zu verringern, um sich um dieses Kind kümmern zu können, in einer vergleichbaren Lage." Die Gewährung des sogenannten „Stillurlaubs“ habe sich in der Rechtsentwicklung von der biologischen Tatsache des Stillens gelöst. Daher müsse dieser Urlaub jedem Elternteil geschlechts- und beschäftigungsunabhängig zustehen. 

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