Friday, March 4, 2011

Nyc State Id Card Templates

Duochrome comparison: OPI - Not Like The Movies, Catrice - 490 - Iron Mermaid, Charmeen - Chrystal and Manhattan - 96/319!

Many companies take the time to market nail polish, which apparently contain the same pigment that shimmers so strong that even the classification of the color is difficult. From gray to green, purple, reddish, yellowish, to turquoise and blue, the color changes depending on the viewing angle, and therefore provides a very interesting effect. The only drawback: In itself, the pigment is rather sheer, if it is not mixed with a base color was. To see the color play so properly, either, many coats are applied, or he is painted a different color (eg black).

As mentioned in other posts, I am for the first time 15 years ago (at a time in my nail polish not really interested because I have the colors all thought was boring) encountered this effect, and I felt immediately in love: The Manhattan Chameleon series duochrome coatings had the paint No. 319 this exact color match (mixed with a medium blue base color ). I have even a different paint in this series, a yellow-orange duochrome, but the 319 was always my special favorite.

long time I have tried in vain to find something like that, until recently, probably several companies decided to bring the pigment back out of the woodwork.

So now the comparison of the various new (and old) variants. :)

are compared:
OPI - Katie Perry Edition - Not Like The Movies ,
Catrice - 490 - Iron Mermaiden (from the new range),
Charmeen - 14 - Crystal (a € 1 € from the paint shop),
Manhattan - Super Quick Dry - 96 , (also very old, but not as long as ...)
Manhattan - Chameleon - 319 (my good old paint from back then * languishing, at least 12, probably just 15 years old (I can not tell you exactly unfortunately). Dilution still usable, unfortunately, quite empty. Fortunately Manhattan a few years later with the No. 96 a Dupe released:)).

WARNING: Unfortunately I do not paint the Essence of the new range ( Essence - Color & Go - Where is the Party ), which also includes this pigment. He was with my purchase in the Main-Taunus-Zentrum still not there. (

to enlarge Click on the photos
The five paints in the sunlight, from left to right.
OPI - Katie Perry Edition - Not Like The Movies, Catrice - 490 - Iron Mermaid, Charmeen - 14 - Crystal, Manhattan - Super Quick Dry - 96 and Manhattan - Chameleon - 319th

At first glance, the OPI and Catrice paint contribute relatively similar, the Charmeen makes a little "thinner" impression and the two Manhattan appear strong and in a different color than the rest

The five paints in the sunlight, from left to right with Swatch on paper:
OPI - Katie Perry Edition - Not Like The Movies, Catrice - 490 - Iron Mermaid, Charmeen - 14 - Crystal, Manhattan - Super Quick Dry - 96 and Manhattan - Chameleon - 319th

On paper, the differences are clear: While the Charmeen is very transparent, and therefore (in my view, - but I might be wrong and completely) only from the iridescent pigment there is, in the two Manhattan a medium blue base color was actually mixed. In OPI and Catrice it looks as if a greyish (but still relatively Sheere) carrier color here, with the OPI the green-gray, who goes Catrice to lilac-gray.

The five paints in the sunlight of links to the right, in Rotflash:
OPI - Katie Perry Edition - Not Like The Movies, Catrice - 490 - Iron Mermaid, Charmeen - 14 - Crystal, Manhattan - Super Quick Dry - 96 and Manhattan - Chameleon - 319th

The colors of the paint is really to photograph, very difficult. I have taken great pains to get to various points of view at least a small impression of different colors on the picture, unfortunately only with moderate success (

The very close look (it is on the nails below also begin to see them) you can tell that the OPI as single coat (in addition to pigment and base color) contains small silver Glitterteilchen which give a nice side-effect.

The five paints in the sunlight, from left to right, the Green Flash:
OPI - Katie Perry Edition - Not Like The Movies, Catrice - 490 - Iron Mermaiden , Charmeen - 14 - Crystal, Manhattan - Super Quick Dry - 96 and Manhattan - Chameleon - 319th

The five paints in the sunlight, from left to right, gray-purple flash (?)
OPI - Katie Perry Edition - Not Like The Movies, Catrice - 490 - Iron Mermaid, Charmeen - 14 - Crystal, Manhattan - Super Quick Dry - 96 and Manhattan - Chameleon - 319th

swatches of paints
The five paints in the sunlight, three coats and no topcoat:
thumb: Manhattan - Super Quick Dry - 96
forefinger OPI - Katie Perry Edition - Not Like The Movies
middle finger: Catrice - 490 - Iron Mermaiden
ring finger: Charmeen - 14 - Crystal
Pinky : Manhattan - Chameleon - 319

The five paints in the sunlight, three coats and no topcoat: ;
forefinger OPI - Katie Perry Edition - Not Like The Movies
middle finger: Catrice - 490 - Iron Mermaiden
ring finger: Charmeen - 14 - Crystal
Pinky: Manhattan - Chameleon - 319

Because of Manhattan's 69 and 319 wholly-owned Dupes, was on only a few photos each a finger is shown with a variant.

The five paints in the sunlight, three coats and no topcoat:
forefinger OPI - Katie Perry Edition - Not Like The Movies
middle finger: Catrice - 490 - Iron Mermaiden
ring finger: Charmeen - 14 - Crystal
Pinky: Manhattan - Chameleon - 319

The five paints in the sunlight, a layer over a layer Essence - 01 - Blackout (from the Black & White LE), no top coat:
thumb: Manhattan - Super Quick Dry - 96
forefinger OPI - Katie Perry Edition - Not Like The Movies
middle finger: Catrice - 490 - Iron Mermaiden
ring finger: Charmeen - 14 - Crystal
Pinky: Manhattan - Chameleon - 319

The five paints in the sunlight, a layer of a layer Essence - 01 - Blackout (from the Black & White LE), no top coat:
forefinger OPI - Katie Perry Edition - Not Like The Movies
middle finger : Catrice - 490 - Iron Mermaiden
ring finger: Charmeen - 14 - Crystal
Pinky: Manhattan - Chameleon - 319

The color change effect of these coatings is very special and not everyone's thing. I personally like the color from gray to red game fairly well, but I can imagine that many girls are not as enthusiastic. Nor can I imagine that many people may have a better coverage of the paints and disappointed hopes sind, dass die volle "Wirkung" erst beim Layern über Schwarz oder einer anderen dunklen Farbe entfaltet wird. Wer dieses Pigment aber annähernd so liebt wie ich, erhält sehr vielseitig anwendbare Lacke, die sich ständig von einer anderen Seite zeigen. :)

Bis auf die beiden Manhattans (durch die Basisfarbe) sind sich alle Lacke recht ähnlich, insbesondere wenn man den Effekt auf Schwarz vergleicht. Der Catrice ist die gute Variante im Mittelfeld, bei mir problemlos in der Anwendung mit sehr gutem Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis. Der Charmeen ist der Durchsichtigste von den Dreien, durch die geringe "Eigenfarbe" aber sehr vielseitig (als "French" or in layers). Of course, the price is unbeatable, but I also had problems with blistering (but may have also been fitted with a black base coat, etc., located, I do not know) and the drying time was rather mediocre. The OPI characterized by the use of good (I love the broad brush OPI), in addition, it contains so the only the silver Miniteilchen through which the paint gets a nice extra effect. However, whether this is worth 16 €, everyone must decide for themselves.

My opinion:
If one of the shimmering effect like, you should definitely set a nail varnish with the pigment, you need more (because of the similarity) not really.

Here is an overview of the various quantities and prices:

* OPI - Not Like The Movies: The nail varnish of Katie Perry Edition are now available in most small and large Douglas-free stores available, there but 16 € for 15 ml addition there for about 14 € (I think) a Miniset with four finishes from the edition by including the Not Like The Movies is included (with 3 , 75 ml). Otherwise, of course much cheaper in America (eg Trans-design) to belong.

* Catrice - Iron Mermaid Catrice part of the new standard range. 10 ml cost 2.49 euros, available at your place, miller, in some Douglas-branches (in the future) and elsewhere (please see on , there may be searched where there are Catrice - at least was that, at the moment is probably just redesigned the site).

* Charmeen - Crystal: It was a chance find, as I look bored in a store called "Euro Shop" rummaging. 10 ml for 1 €:)

[ * Essence - Color & Go - Where is the Party (not in test!) : In the new Essence range available, probably about 1.29 euros for 5 ml will cost.]

* Manhattan - 96 / 319: Ancient and long, long time no longer available. No idea where I had (or did so in 1996 I got paid just recently from my dear sister, who has excavated it somewhere) and how much DM have cost, in there were definitely times that would be 7 ml definitely a great desire I had in Manhattan: A new version of the Chameleon duochrome paints!

Ich hoffe, dieser Vergleich hat euch bei der Kaufentscheidung geholfen. :D

Viele Grüße!


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