Friday, May 14, 2010

Patimanterola Fotos Secxis


differences are only estimation of two sides. were

The Eipassausgaben nunmal that the expenditure and revenue, the difference between them is 150 €. If this estimate is
parties between the political currents rather a kind of intersection, much more, what herrausfällt from this intersection.

I find, differences between individuals but the most interesting.

You have to have differences, to understand and in order not to understand. Always stand on a line, each makes blind. One sees only linear, the angle forgets about it.
Analyis of these differences helps. Especially if you have to measure the stupidity.

There are simply people who act on their instincts and her head. But they do not look to the left and right, without thinking why someone else would decide in the same situation differently.
different decision, that is the difference. Why else? This is the solution to all problems.

However, one can not all decisions and viewpoints estimate, but one can determine all important to consider.

The sequence of logical inferences is practical for most decisions. Especially when you know that from his own instinct can only take out everything shaky decisions.

However, one should not make the mistake and calculate everything ice cold. For it is with decisions so as follows: Pure reason must never prevail.


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