Infected by Super Nintendo games that we have a whole evening with my heart lady played, came over to us a strange longing. The next day when I still had to show her nephew how to Pokémon on the Game Boy Color stores, for he can not read yet, because it gave us then packed. started
New Game and get those monsters! I've once again felt like with 10 At that time I have spoken to Salkin yet a complete solution for the Blue Edition on cassette. To help, we include the tips for some magazines but actually made more or less meaningless talked straight on.
"And now we begin a Pidgey and train it to level 6 or 7". As if that really determines everything is calculated and determined. ... No. It was just a rule of thumb. Today I would say that there is no mathematical logic determines behind lies. We were children.
This retro charm of a good game but I have also in computer games. Who really good games will be necessarily play times Wolfenstein 3D, Betrayal at Krondor and Raptor. They are really good games, especially for the time. From today's RPG Krondor can still cut fat slice of ne. Here, just some impressions:

Anyway, I'm curious how it is tomorrow in the Uni ... with the Game Boy Color and Pokemon.
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