or two, or three or four ...
the last time I'm really tired.
Not as tired as a runner after a competition.
tired rather like ... Beckman in Borchert's "Outside the front door." Simply tired join the whole lot.
We like ants work tirelessly. More and more we allow ourselves to drift. From school, university, of the economy.
I notice these slave drivers are not alive. "The economy" is just a fictional and abstract painting like "freedom", "truth" ... or "love."
clear we can think of including something. Sure, we know that there are these things. But you can not take it. Do not condemn someone for something. And why do they affect our lives so much?
There are only ideas. Ideas on which we build our lives. Ok, lieber Idee als Glauben (Vorsicht: Anlehnung an "Dogma") .
Ich bin ja auch nicht der einzige den das nervt. Dieses ständige Gelaber um Noten, Praktika und Jobangebote... und ich bin sogar noch mittendrin.
Wir sind die Generation Lebenslauf. Generation Praktium. Und niemand will den Hund begraben.
Wir müssen da druch.
Oder eben nicht...
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