Review: My Private Jet (new version) - Holo-Glitter favorite polish! My Privat Jet von OPI war mein erster holoartiger Nagellack überhaupt. Obwohl ich "nur" die neue Version besitze, die im Gegensatz zum Original My Privat Jet etwas heller ist (eher dunkelbraun, nicht wirklich schwarz) und wesentlich weniger Holopartikel besitzt, bin ich damit sehr glücklich. Natürlich würde für mich ein Traum in Erfüllung gehen, wenn ich (zu einem halbwegs zivilen Preis) die alte Version in die Finger kriegen würde (*seufz)... Dennoch: Die neue Version gehört zu meinen absoluten Lack favorites. It is indeed effective, but yet so unobtrusive that you can keep it in every situation, even if you will not even have super flashy Mani.
It sounds like a stupid, but whenever I feel like I need something that makes me cheer (with stress, exams, or something difficult when the job is pending), I use my private jet and I feel equal better. I can then watch the whole day over again on my nails, and enjoy myself at Hologlitter: D Actually, everyone should have a lift-nail polish.
So now to the pictures. Here, My Private Jet in the new Version, a link to images of original paint passes below.
click to enlarge the photos.
In direct sunlight you can see the brownish color of the otherwise black-acting OPI lacquer clear.
Please enlarge and see the typical U-shape of the Holoteilchen. Does not this look great? Aaah, I love this coat ...
The normal view without direct sun, it acts on the nails black.
Bitte Vergrößern und die Glitterpartikel auf dem Mittelfinger betrachten. Die Kombination aus Dunkelbraun und den dezent in allen Farben funkelnden Teilchen erinnert mich immer wieder an einen nächtlichen Sternenhimmel.
Normales Tageslicht, keine Sonne. Durch die Unschärfe läßt sich der Holoeffekt besser erkennen.
Auf allen Bildern trage ich: OPI Basecoat, 2 Schichten OPI My Privat Jet (neue Version), OPI Topcoat.
Conclusion: One of my absolute favorite. Super easy to apply, good durability, good effect nail polish, which is yet so unobtrusive that he was (in my opinion) can always wear. I love him!
My Private Jet is available (new version) result in many branches of the Douglas OPI, but (like all OPI varnishes Douglas) at a price of 16 €. Cheaper get him through e-Bay or online stores, I think about Amazon get him (but am not sure). The Amazon store by Cosmetic Solutions offers some of OPI lacquers (about 8 €), a few China Glaze CND and others have effects on Amazon Cosmetic Solutions I already ordered and was very satisfied.
I'd be interested if other girls have also encouragement nail varnish or other Aufmunterungsprodukte. Using appropriate comments, I would be happy:)