Sunday, May 16, 2010

Jobs At Christmas In Brampton


An artist is gone.
Dio, the singer of Black Sabbath, died from stomach cancer. I am Although not a fan was, but he was a special artist.

What does this even today, artists?
had used every king at his court some of the artists who worked for him. He paid for it to paint pictures for him or for him to write poems. However, everything from his own point of view. The artist was less free spirit as a craftsman.
Only with Schiller and Goethe changed this image of the artist, but they were still Depends of their patrons.

The common people have to make culture. This form of market economy is changing the art and is accessible to all. People go to the theater, listen to concerts, later, even radio, buy records, tapes, CDs, MP3s ... And since we are already.
People must be encouraged to buy. The single, Maxi, Album, Special Edition of the album, the limited fan-MP3 Download ...

And there we are on topic. The artist makes what he considers to be beautiful, or what holds the mass of the people for buying worthily?

An artist must live by his art. It is thus also a whore in the art. He sold his talent to the masses. In order to live. The art is kept short-lived. This can be consumed quickly on. An enduring animated album just does not buy to one other. We need something new fast. A new incentive.
change how fast the charts. How quickly must bring out new albums, artists ...

I know not how I should handle it as an artist. Now I say intended, I would be for the old school. For music you can hear it 30 years later. I want to show the world who I am. Present myself.
But if I were really in the situation? Each day would involve my salary. toil under pressure from the record company would have to do to advertise the Pressekram ... and private life?

How far can the market something as free as the art of lock up?
Should not we support artists of all types of matter? Not differentiate between photography, light and serious music, Malerrei, poems?
If you do not see these arts as a common heritage that we have as a community and be proud of what we can do together? This property should be protected and not exposed to the wild market.

, at least in part.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Patimanterola Fotos Secxis


differences are only estimation of two sides. were

The Eipassausgaben nunmal that the expenditure and revenue, the difference between them is 150 €. If this estimate is
parties between the political currents rather a kind of intersection, much more, what herrausfällt from this intersection.

I find, differences between individuals but the most interesting.

You have to have differences, to understand and in order not to understand. Always stand on a line, each makes blind. One sees only linear, the angle forgets about it.
Analyis of these differences helps. Especially if you have to measure the stupidity.

There are simply people who act on their instincts and her head. But they do not look to the left and right, without thinking why someone else would decide in the same situation differently.
different decision, that is the difference. Why else? This is the solution to all problems.

However, one can not all decisions and viewpoints estimate, but one can determine all important to consider.

The sequence of logical inferences is practical for most decisions. Especially when you know that from his own instinct can only take out everything shaky decisions.

However, one should not make the mistake and calculate everything ice cold. For it is with decisions so as follows: Pure reason must never prevail.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ariel And Eric In A Rowboat


I think you can categorize friendships.

There are close friendships that never ends. They are for me the "Homies for Life." Then there's this intimate friendship ends. These are the ones die meistens in das Gegenteil überschlagen. Ein Wendepunkt der Freundschaftsgeschichte, ausgelöst von einer Katastrophe der Vergangenheit.

Es gibt dann noch diese larifari Freundschaften und Freundschaften die eher nur Bekanntschaften sind. Aber die sind ja völlig trivial und uninteressant.

Interessant sind noch diese Freundschaften, die man gar nicht kennt, sich aber sehr verbunden fühlt. Ich hab das nur bei wenigen Menschen gehabt... vielleicht bei nur einem Jungen und einem Mädchen oder so.

Was macht eine Freundschaft aus? Ehrlichkeit. Loyalität. Ich glaube das reicht schon.

Spaß und Freude sind vergänglich, aber Loyalität bleibt. Ehrlichkeit sollte sowiso eines jeden his moral guide. I categorize it all, but to get the 'Homie for Life "is one must have been through a lot with me.
you on notice that have received this status in the last few years? This is due to the lack of stability of what is called friendship. Here today, gone tomorrow.

Why can not you stand. Why does it not promise?
Why does one not mutually exclusive and can hold only empty promises?
emptiness. This doctrine of the void on my nerves. I'm far too trusting and forgiving over and over again ... But you will not find that it's enough slow?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Dark Stool Baby Blueberry

5.5. All

What kind of magic, but such a date such as today.

Sure, the 1.1. is always a public holiday and so ne Art feeble start. Actually it is a day like any other, only that one must get used to the new year. In addition, most of recovering from a mad cat.

Then we will be there to 11.11., Especially the highly celebrated in Cologne. It really is a snap count, through and through. As if you try compulsive reasons for alcohol would be found.

but first I thought the 4.4. The fourth April, for years sung by me since I go to the end of the Sun "album by Farin Urlaub have. As it goes in the first lines of "all the same" as early as the following:
  It happened on the evening of 4 April  
The sun went down, it was pretty quiet grad

Somehow I thought it was super inspiring years ago and since I'm sitting at 4.4. always on one field, whatever ... Dresdner Bank with the guitar and play this song. This year I was in Austria on the bed and looked out the window. Conzuela was sad because of me. And as I sang this song and it was again something magical. Every year, I understand there is something different ... yet the basic message that we should be happy.

On 06/06/2006 a guinea pig came into my world. Two years later, the had done. And

today at 5.5. ... naja .. No magic. Actually, only ... Uni. And preparations for the Rock on Eipass. Inspiration? Only in the mind ...

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Church Donations Sample Request Letter

dance into May

.. but I'm early at home and I write down some stuff for the Rock am Eipass next week. It is becoming increasingly more complex and I still can not understand why some organizers are so scared and jumped off are.

any case, now you go on 1 May early out on the demo against the alliance of pro NRW "colored instead of brown. The Nazis must collect bullshit, even if only a small "omnimöse" mass.
The fear of law is almost always greater than the risk they pose, but it hurts to have no view on this and once the "zoon politikon" to miemen who we really are. (Why do I want to write more "federal, city, Braun"?) The response to colored instead of brown was very large, all parties were represented and plenty of arts as well as spectators. Nevertheless, a busy day .. 8 hours of work without money ...

In Almost Unplugged I play now ukulele and upright bass, on t.escalators is vorran's also without a second guitar. Very well, as the Unikram annoying enough ...

all danced in May. Also, my Lady. Somewhere in a rock disco in Remscheid. Strange feeling. Everything is somehow just funny. But it still rolls ...